Wednesday 19 November 2014

How Are We Educating Children - If There Is Hotel Advertising On The Front Of An Educational College!

I state quite clearly this is an opinion. An opinion that may gasbe share be shared with the elder people of our community (although not known to them). 

Looking at this angle the 

St. Patrick's Tavern, Mount Druitt is obscured from North Parade, Mount Druitt. The least thought on your mind is that there is a pub behind this building. So as young people go for employment opportunities at Wise Employment, Cleeve Close Mount Druitt and also be students at Evoca College, North Parade Mount Druitt are enticed with the advertising on top corner to enter the hotel 100  from the corner.

I understand, it is a 'Bar Grill' but the bar grill is in a hotel, where young ones can be enticed to spend money to have an alcoholic drink and encourage underage people to enter the St Patrick's Tavern.

There are enough signs around St Patrick's Tavern already enticing people to come to the tavern.

I urge Blacktown City Council to check laws on advertising and positing of 'banner advertising on on educational buildings'! If it wasn't at a hotel, it is different!

How are we teaching our children good behavior and education, when this advertisement is not meant for all the audience in the community bringing into the Tavern! 'Drop the Banner'!


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